Battle Board

Battleboard is a strategy game similar to chess but with a modern military theme.
The game brings a fresh twist with specific movement variations that suit the contemporary military units.

Scroll down to see the complete game rules below the game board.

How to Play Battle Board

Each player commands a set of military units as follows, with the ultimate goal of capturing the opponent's Commander.

Strike Drones: Moves like pawns in chess, one or two squares forward. Attacks diagonally, then returns to its original position when the game started. This is because a Strike drone can carry just one missile at a time.

Tanks: Moves two squares in any straight direction (horizontally, vertically, or diagonally) but can't jump another piece while moving. Can fire in any straight direction (horizontally, vertically, or diagonally) at a target exactly two squares away in a straight line (fire can jump another piece since it's airborne). A Tank can either move or fire in a single turn.

Helicopter: Moves like a knight in chess (in an L-shape). Can jump across another piece. Land on the opponent piece to attack.

Assassin: Moves up to two squares in any straight direction (horizontally, vertically, or diagonally) to an empty square (can bypass another piece in the way). If it lands adjacent to an enemy piece, it can capture that piece, but cannot attack after moving the full two squares.

Jet: Moves like a queen in chess, in any direction (horizontally, vertically, or diagonally). Can only kill the first opponent piece in its line of flight.

Commander: Moves like a king in chess, one square in any direction. Land on the opponent piece to attack.

Strike drone reaching the last row (1st row of opponent): In this case, the strike drone can be promoted to any other piece of choice (not supported in the prototype).